The diversity of spring wildflowers continues here in the Buckeye State.  The most prominent blooms of this month include Winter Cress, Garlic Mustard, and Violets.  In the woods, Blue Phlox, Buttercups and Wild Geraniums can be seen in good numbers.  Here’s what I’ve seen this month!

Winter Cress

This plant dots fields and can be found along roads and waste areas.  It’s very common right now.

Garlic Mustard

This invasive plant is widespread this month, it seems to be most everywhere but the deep woods.


This common flower can be found in a number of of settings, in different varieties and colors.


A familiar sight this season along roadsides and in wet areas.

Golden Ragwort

A frequent sight along wood edges.

Spring Cress

 Another plant found along wood edges this month.

Dame’s Rocket

This pleasant flower is growing in number along wood edges and in open woods.


This aster-like plant is just getting started this month- it’ll grow in numbers soon.

Wild Strawberry

This has also just started blooming in fields.

Oxeye Daisies

I’ve seen 2 patches of these classic blooms so far this month- they’re early this year!

Purple Dead Nettle

Spring Beauties

Much reduced in numbers at the end of this month.

Wild Hyacinth

This flower is very striking when you run across it in meadows or open woodlands.

Bastard Toadflax

This plant reminds me of a white milkweed.  Uncommon.

Yellow Iris

This plant loves wet and swampy regions.

Meanwhile, on lawns and grassy areas:


This familiar flower needs no introduction!


These tiny blooms are easy to miss.


Another small bloom, easy to miss unless it’s in large colonies.


White Clover

Clover leaves have been growing among grass for a while, its blooms are just getting started.

Black Medick

Slowly growing in number, this easily overlooked tiny plant can be found on lawns.

Wood Sorrel

These pleasant little yellow flowers are just starting to bloom.

Ground Ivy

And in the woods there are a lot of blooms:

Blue Phlox

A common plant in the spring woods.

Wild Geranium

Growing in numbers under the forest canopy.

Hispid Buttercup

Common along woodland paths this month.

Kidney-Leaved Buttercup

A modest and less noticeable Buttercup.


This flower is locally common in moist areas of woods.  There are different types that have differently-shaped leaves.


These plants are easier to notice by their whorls of leaves- the tiny white blooms are harder to spot.

Sweet Cicely

A late arrival this month, this plant has notable compound leaves.

Virginia Bluebells

Still hanging in there at reduced numbers.

Dutchmen’s Breeches

Another plant that’s fading away this month.

Squirrel Corn

This can easily be mistaken for Dutchmen’s Breeches unless you look closely.

Sessile Trillium

Uncommon but interesting!

White Trillium

An absolutely gorgeous plant, few in number.  Please don’t pick these!


Small colonies of this plant dot the woods, but they’re just starting to bloom- look for a single white flower hanging down beneath the leaves.


A lovely flower with distinctive round-lobed leaves.

Greater Celandine

Seen here and there, not as common as Lesser Celandine was last month.

Jacob’s Ladder

A modest plant that’s uncommon.

Golden Alexander

At first glance it looks like Wild Parsnip, but this plant grows in wooded areas, not in fields.

Spring continues to give us a variety of wildflowers to enjoy.  I hope this helps you identify a flower you’ve seen recently!